Please read this if you experience difficulties with your address being accepted during checkout.
We have been experiencing a growing number of problems with our courier integration, and are working to resolve the issue. Please follow the steps below to bypass the integrated shipping section and place your order for a manual courier booking.
Please ensure you have the correct province selected. By default the courier system uses our location (Western Cape) so you must SELECT your own province from the available dropdown list. Incorrect provinces in combination with city/postal codes from another province will result in no courier services being offered.

Who is affected?
Certain addresses across South Africa are not correctly validating and customers are unable to proceed with their orders and complete their checkout.

Why is this happening?
Our website integrates directly with The Courier Guy’s waybill system, and as such we are subject to errors on their platform that are beyond our control.

How can I fix this?
By placing an order with a note asking for a manual waybill and selecting the EFT payment method you can bypass this integrated system.